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Relaxation, Raphael and the Renaissance Rectus Abdominis

“Supported by a bursary from a-n The Artist Information Company”.

So today was day six of the ‘Art and Anatomy’ course. Today was a combination day, studio time, continued anatomy learning, drawing and a visit to the Raphael exhibtion in the Ashmoleon Museum, Oxford. Today I began to evaluate all the work, learning and thoughts that have filled my mind for the past week. The Raphael exhibtion was a good place to start this. Examining the detailed work of a master with new eyes was an amazing way to evaluate how my new understanding of anatomy feeds into my appreciation of the accomplishments of other artists. I may not yet remember the names of all the beautifully rendered muscles within the Raphael collection but I do know now what I am looking at and it really does add another dimension to the work. I’m now able to see this work within a contextual setting and to appreciate the aesthetics, skilled observations and sensitive renderings of the 15th century Italian master. As I make my way around the exhibtion with my new companion I am able to raise my understanding and appreciation of this work to a new level.

Back in the classroom I begin to contemplate all that I have learned, so much fascinating technical information that I feel I’m overflowing. Psalm delivers a brief talk with an invaluable research sheet to accompany our continuing research and the learning continues.

After some further in-depth anatomy learning with Dr Sarah Simblett, I settle on the chaise longue to draw some human and animal skulls. As what else would you want to do on a Friday afternoon in the Ruskin school of art on one of their art and anatomy courses?

Tomorrow is going to be a day of farewells but also of more drawing and art making, what an interesting combination. (Image by Psalm Kivinen)

#Professional Development Bursary.

Relaxing at The Ruskin

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